目的:探讨多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)不孕患者合理的、个体化的治疗方案。方法:67例PCOS不孕患者采用不同的治疗方法,观察治疗效果。结果:53例用克罗米酚(CC)治疗2疗程后 ,诱发排卵37例(69.81 %) ,19例妊娠(35.85%) ;35例用CC +HCG治疗,3个疗程 ,诱发排卵26例(74.29 %) ,14例妊娠(42.86%) ;对20例难治性PCOS用二甲双胍或地塞米松等治疗也取得一定效果.结论:PCOS不孕患者应根据不同特点采取个案化治疗。
Objective:To probe reasonable personal therapies for polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS)with infertil-ity.Methods:67cases with PCOS were received various treatment,and were observed the effets.Results:53cases with PCOS were treated with clomipheecitrate(CC),in the following3treatment cycles,the ovulation rate was69.31%and pregnancy rate was35.85%.35cases with PCOS were treated with CC+HCG,after3treatment cy-cles,the ovulation rate was74.29%and pregnancy rate was42.86%.There were20cases of CC resistant PCOS among67PCOS patients,after treatment with metformin or dexamethasone combined with CC,we also see some ef-fection.Conclusions:we need treat PCOS patients with personaliy therapies according to the disease character.
Journal of Dali University