重庆,一座依山傍水的著名山城;重庆,在中国近现代史上曾经有过浓墨重彩的篇章;重庆,在21世纪曙光升起、中国西部大开发号角吹响之时,她又将“冲锋陷阵”,去创造新的更大的辉煌! 重庆,是中国西部地区最大的工业城市,长江上游的经济中心,同时又是一座有3000多年历史的古城。在中国,重庆又是一座非常特殊的城市。一位欧洲人谈起他对中国的印象时说,在中国看过去到西安,看现在到北京,看发展到上海,看投资到重庆。
Chongqing Municipality, an important economic center and communication hub in Southwest China on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. It is not only the largest industrial city in western China, but also an ancient city with a history of some 3,000 years. As the only municipality directly under the Central Government in Western China, Chongqing will invest 500-600 billion yuan in the field of infrastructure construction, science and culture development to bring about a rocketing advance in regional econo...
Western China