《康定情歌》引出的历史 1961年,《人民日报》登载一封由周恩来亲笔签发的任命书,委任喻宜萱为中国中央音乐学院副院长。1999年9月6日,这天是喻宜萱90岁生日,中国中央音乐学院为“祝贺声乐艺术家喻宜萱教授90华诞”举行了别开生面的纪念活动。李岚清副总理专程到喻宜萱的家登门看望。中央音乐学院学报社出版了“喻宜萱教授90寿辰暨从事声乐工作65周年志庆”的大型画册《岁月回眸》。作为一代歌唱家、声乐教育家。
Yu Yixuan who is still in good health is the leading authority in the musical circle of China. It was she who sang Kangding Love Song throughout the country. Ever since 1947 when she first sang Kangding Love Song, she has been fond of the song and regarded it as her lifelong repertoire. In the past half century, she traveled far and wide, singing the song all over the world. Today, Kangding Love Song that was chosen to be China s First Love Song has undoubtedly melted into the passion and love and into sing...
Western China