
基于移动IP认证缺陷的DoS攻击及其防范 被引量:1

DoS Attack by Defect of authentication in Mobile IP and its Prevention
摘要 移动IP在全球范围内的应用引入了许多安全问题,其中以认证问题最为关键,特别是当移动节点在外地链路上漫游时这种问题尤为明显。论文介绍了移动IP的认证机制以及针对其缺陷进行的DoS攻击,提出了一系列防范措施。理论分析表明,这些防范措施可以在一定程度上对DoS攻击进行防范,并维护移动IP网络的系统安全。 The implementation of mobile IP on the global scale has resulted in some problems related to security, particularly the authentication problem. Home agents are faced with the most difficult problem of security as mobile nodes roam from one domain into a different domain. The main motive behind the paper is to introduce the authentication of mobile IP and the related DoS attack. Several security parameters are obtained by both authors in the deployment of Mobile IP and various approaches have been proposed t...
作者 徐砚 王文胜
出处 《信息安全与通信保密》 2008年第2期76-78,共3页 Information Security and Communications Privacy
基金 国防科技重点实验室基金项目资助 项目编号:9140C1101010603
关键词 移动IP DOS攻击 安全 Mobile IP DoS attack security
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