In-situ analysis for SiC bulk single crystal growth was reported using vertical X-ray diffractometer system. A furnace for SiC sublimation growth combined with the XRD system which possessed three kinds of functions including topography, rocking curve measurement and crystal growth rate monitoring was developed. These functions could contribute as a powerful tool finding the optimum growth condition by dynamic observation in the crucible. In this study, the in-situ X-ray topographs succeeded to capture dynamic elongation of defects and dislocation generated in the SiC growing crystals. The in-situ rocking curve measurement reviled appearance of mosaic structure in the SiC crystal grown with high growth rate. The in-situ growth rate monitoring also succeeded very precisely using the direct X-ray beam absorption. On the base of findings and facts obtained by the in-situ observations, the importance for the SiC growth was discussed.