

Design of Content-Based Peronalized Website
摘要 网站作为互联网的一个应用如何更好地为用户服务?如何以用户为中心,预测用户需求?如何建立用户偏爱的页面,对用户关心的内容进行重新组织?对于不同的用户,如何依据他们自身特点建立自适应网站?本文利用人的认知理论以及人机接口技术建立了一个网站模型,为个性化网站的设计提供了新的思路。 Website is an important application of Internet.How can it serve user better?How can it be user-centered and predict the users'requirments?How can web page preferred by users be set up and reorgnised contents that users care about? To different users,how can we build adaptive website according their characteristics?This article establishes a website model based on human cognition theory and human-computer interface technology and provides a new idea for the design of personalized website.
出处 《开封教育学院学报》 2006年第4期49-51,共3页 Journal of Kaifeng Institute of Education
关键词 认知理论 人机接口 用户标识 个性化 cognition theory human-computer interface UID personality
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