
教育与人力资本分布状况对我国经济增长的影响 被引量:9

Distribution of Education and Human Capital upon China's Economic Growth:Effects
摘要 如果用人均受教育年限和教育基尼系数这两个指标来衡量我国的教育分布状况,我们就会发现:我国居民总体的受教育程度仍然偏低,人力资本平均水平和教育分配的不平等程度对经济增长分别有正的和负的影响,东部和中部地区对人力资本分布平等性的依赖程度要超过西部。为了改善我国教育分布状况,应大力普及义务教育、允许多种形式的教育投入和建立学费听证会制度,以促进教育的公平增长。 China's unequal distribution of education is measured by two indexes: residents' average education attainment and residents' education gini coefficient,and finds out the following facts: the whole education level is still low;the average human capital stock level and the equal distribution of education have positive and negative effects to the economic growth respectively;the economic growth of east and central regions have greater dependence on the equality of human capital than the west.To improve our distribution of education,we should promote the compulsory education,allow multiple sources of educational inputs,and establish the procedure of tuition fee hearing,so as to achieve equitable growth of education.
作者 傅征
出处 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2006年第6期747-754,共8页 Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science
关键词 教育分布状况 人均受教育年限 教育基尼系数 distribution of education average education attainment education gini coefficient
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