

The State Feedback and Output Feedback and Observer Design of Linear Switched Systems
摘要 讨论了具有共同的Lyapunov函数的线性切换系统的稳定性问题,分别讨论了状态反馈、输出反馈与观察器设计. In this paper,we discussed linear switched systems, which have common Lyapunov function.The feedback of state,output and the design of observer are considered in this paper.The result is given in inequation and it is easy to realize.
机构地区 河南中医学院
出处 《新乡师范高等专科学校学报》 2006年第2期7-8,共2页 Journal of Xinxiang Teachers College
关键词 线性切换系统 反馈 观察器 linear switched systems feedback observer
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