最近几年体育教学改革叫得很响 ,有些教师如此改革 :不重视体育技能的传授 ,在给大学生上体育课时 ,经常玩游戏 ,其实大学生 (尤其男生 )不喜欢游戏。还有一些教师片面认为“健康第一”就是“快乐第一” ,学生想学什么就教什么 ;并且有人呼吁要砍掉教材中难度较大的项目 ,致使有的学校已经没有了田径课、体操课 ,一些最能培养学生意志品质的运动项目正在慢慢地从学校体育教材中消失。还有些人把竞技体育也想从改革中改掉。竞技体育具有竞争性、趣味性 ,又有吸引力 ,可培养学生的竞争意识 ,为何要去掉呢 ?体育教学改革一定要结合实际 ,对传统中的许多优秀成份要继承下来 。
In the recent gears, PE reforms in Universities are not satisfactory, Playing games, instead of skill training, are often practiced in class which in fact students especially male students, are not interested in some teachers who have the biased view that “Enjoyment” is “health”. Others even suggest that such difficult courses of track and field, gymnastics should be excluded, which can foster students willpower and sense of competition. In order to avoid the above-mentioned problems. PE reforms should accord with reality by carrying on the traditional merits.
Jingdezhen Comprehensive College Journal