

Application of Superovulation Technique to Embryo Transfer Practice in Poll Dorset Sheep
摘要 在胚胎移植生产中,用从新西兰引进的肉用绵羊品种无角陶赛特羊作供体进行规模化胚胎移植生产。超排结果表明两次超排分别回收平均卵数为5.62枚和9.08枚;从不同年龄的无角陶赛特羊上获得总卵数差异不显著;配种后第7天冲取胚胎,以桑椹胚为最多,占总回收胚胎数的75.78%,配种后第8天回收的胚胎,以扩展囊胚和孵出囊胚数所占比例为最多,分别占总数的25.89%和31.75%;从两侧卵巢所观察到的黄体数和所回收的胚胎数差异不显著;用人工授精法比试验中的其它方法能显著提高所获得的有效胚胎数;用促卵泡素恒量注射、孕马血清两次注射法进行超排效果好,所获得的平均胚胎数为8.53枚,有效胚占回收总胚的百分率则增加到82.11%。 Multiple ovulation and embryo transfer in meat sheep under practice conditions were studied and applied. The results were as follows: The first and second repeated superovulation treatments in Poll Dorset gave average 5.62, and 9.08 embryos respectively. There was no difference of the number of embryos collected among different age donors. Embryos were collected on Day 7 post onset of estrus and much higher proportion of morula (75.78%)were produced in Poll Dorset,The higher percentage of expending and hatched embryos (25.89%and 31.75%)obtained on day 8 post onset of estrus. The distribution of ovulation between the right and the left ovary was recorded. There was no difference of number of corpus and embryos between two sides. AI did not affected the yield and quality of embryos recovered compared with the hand mating and other methods, it significantly (P<0.05) improved fertilization rate and embryo quality. Two methods of Superovulation B (FSH was given in equal does twice daily with two injections of PMSG) were better than that A (FSH was given in descending does twice daily for 4 days with a single injection of PMSG),the average embryos collected were 8.53, and among of them , usable percentage was increased to 82.11%.
出处 《中国草食动物》 2006年第6期3-5,共3页 China Herbivores
基金 河南科技大学人才科学研究基金资助 甘肃省"十五"科技公关项目(赵有璋教授主持 项目编号GS012-A41-042)
关键词 畜牧学 超数排卵 无角陶赛特羊 胚胎移植 animal science superovulation Pool Dorset embryo transfer
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