
复杂网络中的完全子图搜索算法研究 被引量:3

Algorithm for detecting complete sub-graph in complex network
摘要 现实生活中,许多实际网络中通常包含由若干结点组成的完全子图,一些实际网络甚至是由一些完全子图通过公共节点链接而成的,如何搜索这类网络中的完全子图,是一件很有意义的事情。提出了一种搜索这类特殊复杂网络的完全子图的算法,编制了实现算法的程序,将算法程序应用于机械制造中的产品零部件关系网、中药方剂网等实际的复杂网络,取得了良好的效果。为深入研究这一类型的复杂网络提供了有力的工具。 Many real networks always contain some complete sub-graphs,some networks are even composed of complete sub-graphs through their public nodes.It would be a very interested thing to detect complete sub-graphs of these networks.An algorithm for detecting complete sub-graphs in complex networks was presented,and the algorithm was realized through programming.The algorithm was used in parts relation network of product and Chinese traditional medicine network,it works well in both networks.It will provide a useful tool for researching complex network deeply.
作者 刘夫云
出处 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第z1期925-927,共3页 Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60374057)
关键词 复杂网络 完全子图 搜索算法 complex network complete sub-graph detecting algorithm
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