
利用空间平滑差分算法进行DOA估计 被引量:2

Spatial Smoothing Difference Algorithm for DOA Estimation of Coherent Sources
摘要 针对色噪声背景下的相干信源波达方向估计问题,提出了一种空间平滑差分算法。该算法通过对空间平滑矩阵进行差分运算来对消色噪声,并采用PM算法进行方向估计。在去除噪声、减小计算量的同时,可估计较多的信源。由于算法对非相关信源和相关(或相干)信源同时估计,因此减小了算法实际实现的复杂度。计算机仿真结果证明了空间平滑差分算法理论的正确性和有效性。 A new algorithm is proposed for direction of arrival(DOA) estimation of coherent sources in the presence of colored noise,which is called spatial smoothing difference method.This algorithm can eliminate the colored noise effect on the array structure by taking the difference between the spatial smoothing matrixes,and by using the propagator method to estimate the DOA of signals.This can reduce the computation load and can estimate more signals.The complexity of realization is also reduced since the incohere...
作者 余莉
出处 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期87-90,共4页 Modern Radar
关键词 波达方向估计 色噪声 相干信源 direction of arrival colored noise coherent sources
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