
论认知语境对语篇中话题相关的解读 被引量:1

On the Function of Cognitive Environment in Interpreting Topic Relevance in a Discourse
摘要 连贯是构建语篇的基础.衔接与主位推进都对语篇连贯起着重要作用,但它们都只是实现语篇连贯的表层手段,其作用的发挥必须以话题相关为前提.话题相关是指语篇中宏观话题与次一级的各话题间语义上的联系,是实现语篇连贯的必要条件.由于语篇中话题间语义上的联系大都以隐性手段表现出来,实现与理解语篇中的话题相关必须借助语篇作者与语篇读者间认知上的默契,从关联理论来说,就是必须依赖交际双方在认知语境上的最佳关联度.本文从关联理论出发,阐述了交际双方认知语境的关联度对理解语篇中话题相关的重要性. Coherence is the essence of a discourse.Though both cohesion and thematic progression play an important role in discourse coherence,they are only explicit cohesive ties whose functions are presupposed by topic relevance,the semantic connection among the hierarchical topics of a discourse.As topic relevance is always achieved in an implicit way,to realize and understand it in a discourse depends on a tacit mutual understanding between discourse producer and discourse receptor.This paper intends to elaborate the function of overlapping degree of cognitive environment between discourse producer's and receptor's in interpreting topic relevance in view of relevance theory.
出处 《山东外语教学》 2005年第6期25-28,共4页 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
关键词 衔接 主位推进 语篇连贯 话题相关 认知语境 cohesion thematic progression discourse coherence topic relevance cognitive environment
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