
几种地理空间信息服务发现机制的比较和探讨 被引量:2

Comparison and Discussion on Different Geospatial Information Service Discovery Mechanisms
摘要 服务发现是面向服务的地理空间信息服务体系中连接服务请求者和提供者的重要环节。本文介绍了几种常见的地理空间信息服务发现机制,如UDDI,WS-Inspection,OGCCSW,对它们的功能特点进行了比较,从发现机制、分类模型、标准性、易用性等角度分析各自的适用域。在构建地理信息服务体系时,前瞻性、针对性选择服务发现机制有助于构建更灵活适用的系统。 Service discovery is a key node connecting requester and provider in geospatial information service system. The paper introduces some common discovery mechanisms such as UDDI, WS-Inspection and OGC CSW and then compares them by their characteristics. It also makes a comparison of the respective applicability from four viewpoints of discovery mechanism, taxonomic models, standardization and feasibility. The prospective and pertinence selection of service discovery mechanism is helpful for constructing flexib...
出处 《地理信息世界》 2008年第3期38-42,共5页 Geomatics World
基金 国家863计划资助项目(200703275)
关键词 地理空间信息服务 服务发现 UDDI WS-Inspection CSW(ebRIM) Geospatial Information Services Service Discovery UDDI WS-Inspection CSW
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