Shandong boasts a time-honored history with respect to shops with a long-standing history. Some scholars are of theopinion that the history of Shandong’s shopscan be traced back to the Northern andSouthern Dynasties (420-550). At that time,the pawnshop business in Shandong wasquite prosperous. The remarkable pawnshopsigns, in fact, were the marks of the earliestshops in Shandong. During the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) Dynasties, dueto development of the commodity economy,Shandong’s shops with long-standing historyentered a more prosperous period. A groupof shops mushroomed, among which morethan a hundred were famous throughout thecounty. Many were recorded in history andhave continued their vitality into the present.
Shandong boasts a time-honored history with respect to shops with a long-standing history. Some scholars are of theopinion that the history of Shandong s shopscan be traced back to the Northern andSouthern Dynasties (420-550). At that time,the pawnshop business in Shandong wasquite prosperous. The remarkable pawnshopsigns, in fact, were the marks of the earliestshops in Shandong. During the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) Dynasties, dueto development of the commodity economy,Shandong s shops with long...