最早接触贾璋柯这个名字源于一个 “地下导演”的新名词,并因“地下” 两字而生出一分神秘感。虽然随着电影 体制的改革和电影发行放映环境的改 善,越来越多的“地下导演”浮出水 面,他们的独立电影也被越来越多的群 体接受。但对贾璋柯的那分神秘感依然 没有改变:他究竟是怎样的一种人呢? 是什么样的人才拍得出那样朴实却又那 样深刻、那样平民化却又那样意味隽永 的影片呢?直到在青岛亚洲电影文化合 作国际论坛上与他面对面地交流,方才 对他和他的作品有了最直接的感知。文 如其人,电影也同样。
Jia Zhangke,born in 1970,is an independent filmmaker.His feature films include Unknown Pleasures (2002), Platform (2000),and Xiao Wu (1997). Though these films have never been openly shown to the public in China before,Jia is regarded as a representative of the 'Sixth Generation' of movie directors in China,along with such world-renowned masters as Zhang Yimou of the fifth generation.In October 2005,when the Qingdao Asian Film & Culture Cooperation Forum was held in Qingdao, a reporter from Sailing City had...