通过分析伊迪丝·华顿的中篇小说《伊桑·弗洛姆》中叙述者“我”的叙事眼光与伊桑·弗洛姆、哈蒙· 高、黑尔太太等聚焦人物的叙事眼光,指出在认识伊桑的妻子齐娜层面上,叙述者的叙事眼光与伊桑的叙事眼光 之间存在着分歧,哈蒙·高对伊桑与齐娜的认识有所局限,而黑尔太太对伊桑、齐娜、马蒂的认识相当复杂。
This paper aims to discuss the narrative visions of the narrator,Ethan Frome, Harmon Gow and Mrs.Hale in Edith Wharton s Ethan Frome and contends that as far as the interpretation of Zeena is concerned,there exist discrepancies between the narrator s vision and that of Ethan Frome,which suggests that Ethan Frome intends to mislead the reader to ascribe his tragedy to Zeena whereas the root for his tragedy resides in his craving for authority, denied in Zeena yet acknowledged in Mattie.A close scrutiny of th...
Journal of Beijing University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition)