当前司法实践中 ,“刑民交叉”案件问题突出 ,涉及范围广 ,技术性强 ,审理难度大 ,社会关注。在法学理论及司法各部门对“先刑后民”原则的理解与适用也存在不同的认识。今年 4月 ,北京市委政法委组织有关专家就“先刑后民”原则的适用问题进行了专题探讨。时任北京市委常委、北京市委政法委书记的吉林同志出席并主持了这次研讨会 (吉林同志的讲话见“本刊要论”)。本刊 2 0 0 4年第 2期刊发了我院与会教师在研讨会上的发言 ,本期继续刊发与会法官、检察官、警官、律师、学者的发言 (均未经本人审阅 ) ,意在从首都法律职业人的视角辨析“先刑后民”司法原则法律适用中的问题。希望这组精心策划的文章能引起大家的关注 ,以期对实现司法公正、促进司法改革的理论与实践研究有所裨益。
Editor's Note] In current judicial practice, a wide range of cases i nvolve bot h criminal and civil liability. Such cases are difficult for judges to try as de ciding them needs special expertise. The issue has become serious enough to draw society's attention. Jurists and personnel in different judicial departments ha ve different understandings of the principle “Priority is to be given to crimin a l proceedings of a case involving civil proceedings” and they have different op i nions of its application. Last April, the Commission of Politics and Law, the Mu nicipal Party Committee invited some experts to a symposium, presided by Ji Lin, the then member of the standing committee of Beijing Municipal Party Co mmittee and Secretary of the Commission of Politics and Law, Beijing Municip al Party Committee,the previous article being his opening speech at the symposiu m. The above are the speeches made by a judge, a public prosecutor, a senior pol ice officer, a lawyer and a professor at the symposium from the perspective of t heir professional legal experience. We hope that their speeches will draw wide concern and attention to this issue and make contributions to the research on ju dicial reform theoretically and practically for the realization of judicial just ice.
Journal of Beijing College of Politics and Law