Taking Pingshuo West Dump (247.91 hm2) for example, an evaluating model of water-soil safety was set up according to 8 disaster factors of soil erosion: 30 min rainfall intensity, surface material, landform and slope gradient, cover-degree, topographic, engineering measure grade of conservation of water-soil, volume weight and irregular subsidence. In new stage, early stage and later stage of reclamation, the degree of safety and the different site conditions were analyzed by the model. The results indicat that the dump belongs to middle danger, low danger and low safety in new stage, early stage and later stage of reclamation respectively. But at the same stage, different site conditions lead to different safety class because of the different disaster factors.
Taking Pingshuo West Dump (247. 91 hm2) for example, an evaluating model of water-soil safety was set up according to 8 disaster factors of soil erosion: 30 rain rainfall intensity, surface material, landform and slope gradient, cover-degree, topographic, engineering measure grade of conservation of water-soil, volume weight and irregular subsidence. In new stage, early stage and later stage of reclamation, the degree of safety and the different site conditions were analyzed by the model. The results indicat that the dump belongs to middle danger, low danger and low safety in new stage, early stage and later stage of reclamation respectively. But at the same stage, different site conditions lead to different safety class because of the different disaster factors.