中华文化以儒家思想为主流,而儒家思想,周秦及宋明先后辉映。宋明儒学,上承孔孟成德之 教,融贯儒释道三家之学,更臻于精微。以两宋来说,北宋诸儒,远绍儒家经典本义,讲天道、诚体,而归宿于孔 孟的仁义与心性;南宋干淳以后,学派三分,就是朱熹、陆九渊与吕祖谦之学。三家同时,但是不相合,就广义 的思想渊源来说,朱、吕、陆三家同出伊洛,而朱熹承受小程的规模,又融合周敦颐、张载等人,主"格物致知"、 "即物穷理",集两宋理学的大成;而陆象山则心印大程,其高明处也像大程,主明心见性、明辨义利,以开发 "本心"为主,深深影响明代王阳明的心学;而吕祖谦的学术,本有家学之传,又兼传关学,究心中原文献,重典 章制度、历史与事功,成为浙东史学的开山祖师。 学问与德行的成就,必须师友的切磋夹辅,否则必"孤陋而寡闻",甚且愚顽不灵。朱、吕、陆三人学术虽然 有异同,但是私谊却非常笃厚。考朱熹的交游,当以吕祖谦最为亲密。笔者在1985年著有《吕东莱之文学与史 学》一书,略提吕氏的师友朱熹,只是限于篇幅与内容重点,未曾详述他们两人彼此的交谊。 今考朱吕的交谊,诚属莫逆之交、生死之交,哲人相重的显例。征文考献,草撰本文。首先论述宋代理学的 渊源,以明宋代理学的背景;再来简介朱吕的生平;其次考述朱吕的交谊,由初识?
The Chinese culture is based on Confucianism which is highlighted in the Chou, Chin, Sung, and Ming Dynasties. The thoughts of Confucianism in the Sung and Ming Dynasties were originated from the moral teachings of Confucius and Mencius, interacted with Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, reaching the unique stage of delicacy. In respect to the Two Sung Dynasty, the North Sung scholars, inheriting the original teachings of Confucius, stressed heavenly piety, earnest intention, and finally Confucius' and Mencius' benevolence, righteousness, and human nature; after Chien Tsuen in the South Sung, scholars were divided into three groups: the teachings of Chu Shyu, Lu Chyo-Yen, and Lu Chu-Chien. The three groups existed simultaneously, but not congenially. In a broad sense, the sources of teachings of these three groups derived similarly from Yi Lo. Firstly, Chu Shyu accepted the concept of Junior Chen and combined it with the thoughts of Chou Dun-Yi, Chang Jsai, etc., proclaiming 'to obtain knowledge from looking into objects' and 'to learn truth from researching into things', consummating the moral theories of the Two Sung Dynasty. Secondly, Lu Shiang-Shan, however, established his thoughts mostly from Senior Chen, similarly with highlights from Senior Chen, and claimed 'to clarify the mind and to see the human nature' and 'to differentiate righteousness and profits', mainly developing the 'human nature', deeply affecting the mind theories of Wang Yang-Ming in the Ming Dynasty. Thirdly, Lu Chu-Chien, based his thoughts on the scholastic tradition of his ancestors, combined with Kuan's theories, researched on the original documents on mind, and emphasized the documents and systems, history and achievement, making the forerunner of Chieh-Tung history. The achievement in studies and morality always involves the cooperation and assistance of teachers and friends; otherwise, the achievement will be ignorant and less informative, if possible. In regard to scholastic achievement, Chu Shyu, Lu Chu-Chien, and Lu Shiang-Shan might be the same or different in their own theories, but their friendship was very close and solid. In view of the communication of Chu Shyu, Lu Chu-Chien was his closest friend. In 1985 the author wrote a book titled 'The Literature and History of Lu Tung-Lai', mentioning slightly the teacher and friend of Lu--Chu Shyu. Due to the limit of scope, the book didn't dwell on their friendship in full. The research finds that the friendship between Chu Shyu and Lu Chu-Chien is solid and everlasting, setting a good example of great scholars respecting each other. The research, supported with evidence, goes firstly to dwell on the sources of the moral theories of the Sung Dynasty, showing the background of the moral theories of the Sung Dynasty. Secondly, the research introduces the life backgrounds of Chu Shyu and Lu Chu-Chien. Then, the research looks into the friendship between Chu and Lu, starting from their first meeting in Fukien, discussing studies, giving advice to each other. Next, the research relates the concerns and regards Chu and Lu show toward their mutual relatives. Also, it shows how Chu Shyu wept over the death of Lu Chu-Chien. Finally, the research concludes both scholars Chu Shyu and Lu Chu-Chien set a very good scholastic example for the people in the world to admire and to follow.
Journal of Huangshan University
The Moral Theories of the Sung Dynasty, Chu Shyu, Lu Chu-Chien, Lu Shiang-Shan, The Meditation, The Meeting at the Goose Lake