
High- Speed railway lines in Germany:Experience in Tunnelling in Karstic Geology and Discussion Of Tunnel Driving Methods 被引量:1

High- Speed railway lines in Germany: Experience in Tunnelling in Karstic Geology and Discussion oF Tunnel Driving Methods
摘要 In the course of Deutsche Bahn's new high - speed railway line between Nuremberg and Ingolstadt, a number of tunnels are being constructed, with a total length of about 15 km. One of the longest tunnel is the 7,250 m long Irlahüll tunnel.The tunnel was driven in karst geology. It was not expected that karst phenomena would be so widespread. This forced client, designer and contractor to take a new approach to the project. Different tools were developed to handle the problems on site. Additional site investigations had to be performed to identify karst phenomena in the vicinity of the tunnel. For validating the stability and serviceability of the tunnel, a new way of defining the probability of failure of the construction had to be found. Based on the experience of the tunnel driving at the high - speed railway line in Germany between Nuremberg and Ingolstadt, two different methods of tunnelling are discussed: Drill and blast ( New Austrian Tunnelling Method: NATM) and the use of tunnel boring machines (TBM).
出处 《现代隧道技术》 EI 2004年第z2期201-216,共16页 Modern Tunnelling Technology
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