
双亲聚合物的合成及其溶液性质的研究进展 被引量:1

Development of synthesis of amphiphilic polymers and their solution properties
摘要 综述了双亲聚合物的合成方法,包括经典自由基聚合法、活性离子聚合法、“活性”/可控自由基聚合法及其他方法,着重介绍了近年来才兴起的“活性”/可控自由基聚合法;简要介绍了有关其溶液性质的研究,包括双亲聚合物在选择性溶剂中的胶束化行为,其胶束的增溶作用,并介绍了双亲聚合物在固/液、气/液界面的吸附行为。最后,对双亲聚合物今后的发展方向进行了展望。 To summerize the syntheses of amphiphilic polymers,including classical free radical polymerization,living ionic polymerization,“living”/controlled radical polymerization and others.Especially,the“living”/controlled radical polymerization, a newly-developed polymerization recently,is emphasized.And decribe the development of their solution properties,which in- cludes the micellization of amphiphilic polymers in selective solvent,the solubilization of amphiphilie polymers' micelles and the absorption of amphiphilic polymers on the interface of solid/liquid and gas/liquid.Finally,the direction of amphiphilic polymers developing is prospected.
出处 《现代化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第z1期68-72,共5页 Modern Chemical Industry
关键词 双亲聚合物 合成方法 溶液性质 amphiphilic polymers synthesis methods solution properties
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