基于Portlet的门户设计正在日趋成熟 ,已成为Web应用程序开发的主流工具。GridShpere作为开源Portal的代表 ,为Web应用程序的开发提供了一个主流模型 ,为开发人员编写与发布Web应用程序提供了一套方便快捷的平台。从开发人员的角度出发 ,介绍了GridShpere的基本原理及技术 ,并就如何开发基于网格Portal应用程序提供了基本过程。
Portlet-based portals have become one of the most exciting areas for portal server platforms in latest years. As an advanced open source portlet-based portal, the GridSphere portal provides a popular model in developing web applications. Based on the GridSphere portal platform, developers may program and develop their applications easily. The basic theories and technologies in the GridSphere portal are introduced from an developer's eye, and provided the necessary steps on how to develop the portal applications based on the grid technologies.
Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology