
砂土边坡深埋桩变形破坏的三维数值分析 被引量:1

Three-dimensional numerical analysis of deformation and failure for rigid pile foundation on clay-sandy slope
摘要 利用三维弹塑性有限元,对砂土斜坡上刚性深埋桩水平载荷时的变形破坏进行了解析。在有限元解析中,考虑了砂土材料的低抗拉特点。结果表明,有限元计算所得到的桩基水平荷载与水平位移关系与现场实测值基本一致。此外,还利用三维有限元的解析结果,对深埋桩基随深度方向的土压与位移分布以及受压、受拉破坏的渐进性状态进行了合理的分析。 Numerical analysis of the pier foundation on clay-sandy slope subjected to the lateral loading was conducted by nonlinear elastoplastic3D finite element analysis. In the finite element analysis, geomaterials were supposed to obey an elasto-perfectly Mohr-Coulomb plastic material with considering no-tension effect. It was found that the finite element analysis could properly simulate the load-deformation relationship obtained from the field experiment. By examining the development of the ground compressed plastic and tension failure obtained from the finite element, the failure mechanism of the pier foundation was clearly understood.
出处 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第z2期217-222,共6页 Rock and Soil Mechanics
关键词 岩土力学 砂土斜面 桩基础 水平承载力 有限元法 破坏机理 rock and soil mechanics clay-sandy slope rigid pile lateral bearing capacity 3-D FEM failure mechanism
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