应用 NURBS,讨论了根据给定的(N-1)条边界曲线及其跨界导矢构造 N 边域曲面的方法,由参数域Ω中任一点 V 到边 E的距离 d 构造曲面的混合函数,再由 B 样条曲线的边界曲线和其跨界导矢可得插值于其上的映射 P,这样由混合函数和给定条件的映射可生成一张整体几乎处处 G^1连续并且几乎处处 C^1值于给定的(n-1)条边界曲线及其跨界导矢的 N 边域 NURBS 曲面。
The method of constructing curved surface of N boundaries with N-1 boundary curve and the arrow astriding arrow is given and the admix function of the curved surface is formed with the distance D from any point V in the parameter field Ω to boundary E,Thus the curved surface is formed by the mapping with admix function and given conditions and the curved surface is continuous every where and its value is in the curve of the boundary field of N-1 boundaries and also in the N boundary field of NURBS curved surface.
Journal of Liaoning Technical University (Natural Science)