针对网络规模不断扩大,传统 C/S 结构显示出的局限性,章分析了 CORBA 和 JAVA 技术,设计了基于 CORBA/JAVA 技术的数据库应用模型,它采用三层 B/S 结构,通过提供 HTTP 和 CORBA 服务的中间层将客户经 browser 发来的请求传递给数据库,并在数据库中完成数据服务后仍通过中间层的服务功能将结果返回客户端,实现了分布透明性和网络透明性,解决了基于传统 C/S 结构的数据库系统在异构环境下互操作困难,运行效率低,开发升级困难等问题。最后通过传染病疫情管理系统的开发介绍本模型的开发流程。
With the enlargement of network scale,common C/S structure has demonstrated its limitation gradually. After analyzing the CORBA and Java technology,the text establishes a distributed CORBA/Java-based database model,which adoptis B/S structure,it transferred the requests sent by client through browser to DB system by middle layer which provides HTTP and CORBA services,then finishes operation in DB system and returnes the results back to client through the middle layer's services.The system realizes the lucidities of network and distributing,solves the interoperation,efficiency and upgrade's problems of DB system based on common C/S structure.At last,it introduces the development flow of this model though the development process of management information system of epidemic.
Journal of Liaoning Technical University (Natural Science)