目的 :探讨脉冲Nd :YAG激光照射后牙髓碱性磷酸酶 (ALP)的活性。方法 :选择 4条健康的本地杂种犬 ,进行牙齿过敏模型制备 ,随机分为 3组 ,分别给予 :33J/cm2 、5 6J/cm2 、111J/cm2 激光照射 ,按照即刻、3d、7d和 1月 4个时间段处死试验犬 ,实验牙经过固定、脱钙后 ,进行组织切片、染色、光镜观察、灰度值分级。结果 :3组激光能量照射后 ,牙髓成牙本质细胞均有染色 ,以 3d、7d染色较深 ,1月后染色变浅 ,ALP活性降低 ,接近正常牙髓细胞水平。结论 :在本实验条件下 ,牙髓成牙本质细胞碱性磷酸酶活性在不同的观察期相差显著 (P <0 .0 1) ,与激光能量无关 (P >0 .0 5 )。
AIM:To question the dental pulp ALP activity after Nd:YAG laser irradiating.METHODS:Four healthy local mongrel dogs were selected ,their teeth were prepared for sensitive models and were grouped into three randomly,then each group irradiated respectivly by 33 J/cm 2、56 J/cm 2 or 111 J/cm 2 energy density.One dog was killed immediately,the others were sacrificed after 3,7 or 30 days.Experimental teeth were fixed、 decalcified、selected、stained and the grey values graded.RESULTS:All odontoblasts are stained aftetr three groups energy density irradiation,remarkable stain appear after irradiation 3 and 7 days,light or normal stain after 30 days.CONCLUSION:The ALP activities in odontoblast were significantly different in different observing periods ( P <0.01) and there is no relation between the the ALP activities and the laser energy ( P >0.05).
Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry
重庆市科委基金资助项目 (2 0 0 15 42 1)