目的 研究肝梗死的CT影像。方法 回顾性分析经临床及手术病理证实的肝梗死 2 8例 ,均经CT扫描。结果 根据发生部位与形态将肝梗死分为 3型 :肝叶型 (2 2例 ) ,包括肝脏手术史 12例 (包括肝脏动脉化疗TACE) ,合并肝癌(肝细胞性肝癌、胆管细胞癌及乳腺癌肝转移、盲肠癌肝转移 ) 8例 ,不明原因 1例 ,肝移植术后 1例 ;包膜下型 (4例 ) ,包括肝脏移植术后 2例 ,大剂量激素治疗 1例 ,腹部钝伤 1例 ;胆管周围型 (2例 ) ,均为行肝脏动脉化疗术 (TACE)后。结论 肝梗死作为一种少见的疾病 ,CT上有一定特征性表现 ,结合病史及临床表现可以提高肝梗死正确诊断率。
Objective To evaluate imaging features of hepatic infarction by CT. Methods Analysis retrospectively 28 cases confirmed by clinics and results of operation and pathology.All cases underwent CT scanning. Results All cases can devide into three types according to lesions'position and shape:lobar infarction in 22 cases including 12 cases with hepatic operation story (including TACE cases), 7 cases with neoplasms(including PHC and metastasis), 1 case after OLT (original liver transplantation) and 2 cases in unknown cause;subcapsular infarction in 4 cases including 2 cases after OLT,1 case with administration of overdosage of hormone and 1 case with blunt abdominal injury; parabiliary infarction in 2 cases which all visualized after TACE. Conclusion CT imaging can manifest liver infarction and better reflect its characteristics of patterns though it occurs rare,associated clinics can further improve accurate diagnosis.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology