
《尤利西斯》主题之谜与莫莉意识 被引量:2

The Subject Mystery of Ulysses and Molly's Consciousness
摘要 莫莉意识在《尤利西斯中》占独特地位。莫莉意识的诗学意义在于表征了意识记忆中的性主体与其他社会意识之间的相关性。这些相关性存在于“我”、“你”、“他”不同的所指中。“我”是性生成力量创造性的原创集合。“你”是这种原创的交集。“他”是这种原创的异化。从这个视角来看整部作品 ,可开拓一种把握它的浑圆、流动、绵绵不息的能指活动的可能性。 Molly's consciousness plays a remarkable role in Ulysses, the poetic significance of which lies in its representation of the associations of the entity of sexuality in the memory and that of other social ideas encompassed in the signified of the signifiers 'you,' 'I,' and 'S/he.' 'I' is signified as the setting of the original generating power of sexuality and 'you' as the intersection of the originality, whereas 's/he' as the catabolic entity of the originality. From this point of view, we can explore one of the hermeneutic possibilities to grasp the signifying activities in the consummately integrated flux in the everlasting signification.
作者 廖昌胤
出处 《外国文学研究》 北大核心 2003年第5期49-55,共7页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 <尤利西斯> 莫莉意识 Ulysses Molly's consciousness I you s/he
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