以普洛旺斯的新诗为开端的宫廷爱情诗传统对中世纪后期和文艺复兴前期欧洲各民族的文学发展产生了重大影响。乔叟在宫廷文学氛围中成长并开始诗歌创作 ,他的《公爵夫人颂》是英国文学史上第一部英语宫廷爱情诗 。
The Troubadours started the courtly love tradition in Europe. With its focus on humanly love, Troubadour poetry turned religious literature in the Middle Ages to the literature of man and profoundly influenced the literary development in the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance period. Geoffrey Chaucer grew up and started his poetical career in court culture. His early important work The Book of Duchess was the first courtly love poem in the English language, but for all that Chaucer transcended in some way the courtly love tradition with his originality.
Foreign Literature Studies