孙中山道德思想的创树 ,首以中国传统道德为基。对传统道德 ,孙中山采用“古为今用”的原则 ,赋予忠孝、仁爱、信义、和平等以崭新内容。对西方道德文明 ,孙中山遵循“取法乎上”和“洋为中用”原则 ,对西方资产阶级道德理想─自由、平等、博爱学说作了合乎近代中国国情的全新阐释 ,初步形成了一个融古今中外于一体的近代道德体系。受时代的局限 ,孙中山道德思想也存在某些缺陷。但从孙中山变革道德这一总体精神来看 ,其道德思想对于今天社会主义道德建设中某些理论和实践问题 。
Sun Yat-sen's Theory on Morality is based on Chinese traditional morality. Sun Y at-sen took a make ancient things serve the modern times attitude towards tradit ional morality and enriched it with brand new contents of loyalty, kind-heartedn ess, faith, peace and etc.. Sun Yat-sen adopted a follow an example and make for eign things serve China attitude towards western morality and civilization and g ave another interpretation of ideal western bourgeois morality: freedom, equalit y and fraternity that should be adapted to the practical situation of modern Chi na. This gave rise to a morality system that is endowed not only with ancient an d modern but also with western and Chinese characteristics. The deficiencies in his society are held accountable for deficiencies found in Sun Yat-sen's Theory on Morality. But from the perspective of his reforming morality, Sun Yat-sen's T heory on Morality, to some degree, is enlightenment to us in dealing with variou s theoretical and practical issues in the current socialist construction of mora lity.
Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College
Sun Yat-sen
traditional morality
modern mora lity