

Evaluation on the frameworks of information system for transportation vehicles
摘要 火车、公交车和客运巴士等是市民不可缺少的交通工具 ,为了提升大众交通工具快速、便捷及安全服务功能 ,并使大众交通运输资讯透明化 ,已是必然的发展趋势。只有这样 ,民众才能随时随地获得各种资讯 ,并更愿意搭乘大众交通工具。文章针对市区内公交车运输服务内容 ,利用调频广播电台副载波 ( FMSCA)和低功率行动电话 ( PHS)的无线电话网络 ,建立了先进旅行者资讯系统 ( ATIS)及先进公共运输管理系统 ( A PTS) 。 Trains, buses and cars are indispensable transportation vehicles for the general public. To ensure the rapid, convenient and safe functions these vehicles provided, it is essential to reveal timely and precise transportation information. Thus the general publics are easy to get access to their variable information and are more willing to take on these transportation vehicles. In this paper, the Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) and the Advanced Public Transportation System (APTS) are designed for public bus transportation services under the framework of FM SCA subcarrier channel and PHS wireless, and the evaluation on them are given from technical perspectives.
出处 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2003年第z1期755-760,共6页 Journal of Hefei University of Technology:Natural Science
关键词 调频副载波 先进旅行者资讯系统 先进公共运输管理系统 智慧型运输系统 价值链 FM Subcarrier Advanced Traveler Information System(ATIS) Advanced Public Transportation System(APTS) Intelligent Transportation System(ITS) value chain
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