
Mo-3Nb单晶与钨涂层界面互扩散层显微分析 被引量:3

Analysis of Inter-diffused Layer Between Mo-3Nb Single Crystal and CVD Tungsten Coating
摘要 利用SEM、TEM及EDS等分析技术,显示了Mo-3Nb合金单晶基体与其表面W单晶涂层界面的显微结构形貌。观察到了厚度约为10μm的互扩散层,其中,重互扩散层约为3μm。就Mo、W、C等元素的扩散特性进行了初步探讨。 The SEM,TEM and EDS techniques and the deep corroding method were applied to analyze the microstructure and elemental profile of the inter-diffused layer between the Mo-3Nb single crystal and CVD tungsten coating. It is showed there is an inter-diffused layer between the Mo-3Nb single crystal and CVD tungsten coating, the crystalline structure of the inter-diffused layer is roughly as same as the Mo-3Nb bulk and W coating, the thickness of the inter-diffused layer is about 10μm and the heavy inter-diffused layer is about 3 μm. Additionally, it is found that carbon and oxygen are enriched in inter-diffused layer. The deep corroding method is an effective way to analyze the microstructure of the Mo and Nb single crystal.
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 2003年第z1期135-139,共5页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
关键词 化学气相沉积 Mo-3Nb单晶 钨涂层 互扩散层 chemical vapor deposition Mo-3Nb single crystal tungsten coating interdiffused layer
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