
15例犬心肺联合移植实验研究 被引量:1

The Reseach Experience of Fifteen Cases Combined Heart-lung Transplantation
摘要 目的 建立心肺联合移植动物模型,探讨移植心肺保护、移植技术和术中相关问题。方法 30只实验犬行心肺联合移植,心肺缺血保存4~6小时。结果 主动脉开放后均为窦性心率,10例自动复跳,5例电击复跳;有2例在主动脉开放后60分钟内不能脱离CPB,1例有气管内出血,术后检查发现有气管吻合口漏,2例主动脉吻合口漏血。结论 可使用犬建立心肺移植的动物模型,心肺可成功保存4~6小时。 Objective Using the combined heart-lung transplantation canine , we had researchedthe preservation of heart-lung, the skill of transplantation. Method Thirty dogs were researched ,donor heart-lung ischemia minutes were 4-6 hours. Results After artery untied, all cases were SR.10 cases automatically resumed beating , 5 cases resumed beating with electric stroke to stop twitch;one case had airway anastomosis bleeding, two cases had aorta anastomosis bleeding. Conclusion Theheart-lung transplantation canine model had be finished successfully using standard method, we had usedgrafts preserved up to 4-6 hours successfully.
出处 《国际医药卫生导报》 2003年第14期6-7,共2页 International Medicine and Health Guidance News
基金 广东省重点攻关课题
关键词 心肺联合移植 心肺保护 combined heart-lung transplantation preservation of heart-lung
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