
软交换中协议关系研究 被引量:6

Study of Protocol Relationships in Softswitch
摘要 研究了软交换中各种应用层协议之间的关系,提出协议关系和协议分组的概念,并在熟知的协议转换关系基础之上提出3种新的协议关系,将协议关系细分为4类.根据协议的功能和目的将软交换涉及的主要协议分为5组.根据软交换中的各种业务流程归纳总结出软交换协议关系定理,阐述了各个协议组内及各个协议组间的协议关系.同时说明了协议分组和协议关系分类的一个优点. Relationships between application layer protocols in softswitch are explored. Two concepts, i.e., protocol relationship and protocol grouping, are proposed. On the basis of a well known protocol relationship named protocol conversion, three novel protocol relationships including protocol collaboration relationship, protocol cooperation relationship and protocol independency relationship are presented, so that protocol relationships are classified into four types. According to the functionality and purpose of each protocol, main protocols related to softswitch are divided into five groups. A theorem of protocol relationships in softswitch is induced from all kinds of service scenarios of softswitch. This theorem summarizes protocol relationships within each protocol group or between each two protocol groups. A merit of protocol grouping together with classification of protocol relationship is also presented.
出处 《北京邮电大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第z2期85-90,共6页 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
基金 移动专项基金资助项目 高等学校骨干教师资助计划项目.
关键词 协议工程 软交换 协议关系 协议分组 protocol engineering softswitch protocol relationship protocol grouping
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