全球连接器市场在面对价格下降和需求增长缓慢的不利条件下,2003年仍有望实现小幅增长。今年连接器市场预计实现销售额249 亿美元,比2002 年增长7.7%。但业内人士承认,目前连接器市场仍处在调整之中,突出的特征表现为一是产能过剩,二是更多的连接器生产厂商正在把生产能力转移到中国,目前连接器市场20-25%的产能集中在中国,本地连接器生产和设计能力未来有可能达到全球总量的40%。
Despite severe price erosion and sluggish demand, the connector industry is projected to grow 7.7% to $24.9 billion in 2003. It was projectedthat single-digit growth is in automotive and computer sectors, and double-digit growth in medical and military sectors, flat growth inindustrial and wireless markets and double-digit declines in telecom infrastructure although enterprise networks is growing slightly.Basically, the connector industry is still plagued with excess capacity coupled with a manufacturing migration to China by connectormanufacturers. It was estimated that about 20-25% of connector manufacturing capacity is in China. And about 40% of all manufacturingand engineering in the connector industry will eventually be conducted here in the future.
Electronic Engineering & Product World