
基于物化视图的查询重写技术研究与应用 被引量:1

Research and implementation of query system based on materialized views
摘要 在数据库领域,如何加快查询执行速度非常重要。查询重写技术能透明地利用物化视图回答查询,避免了直接访问大量的原始记录以及耗时的连接和聚集计算,提高查询的执行速度。本研究讨论了基于数据库中的外键连接关系进行扩展的查询重写方法,以此为核心研究了针对小型数据库的物化视图查询系统,并通过实验证明了查询重写策略的有效性。 To quickly answer queries matters most in database environment.Queries are transparently rewritten using materialized views and the time consumed by queries is reduced by avoiding accessing huge raw records and performing time-consuming operations.This paper discusses the extended query rewriting method based on join relation with foreign key,studies query system based on materialized views,and aims to prove its validity.
出处 《河北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期107-110,共4页 Journal of Hebei Agricultural University
关键词 查询重写 物化视图 外键 query rewriting materialized view foreign key
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