目的 分析广东梅县 195 1~ 2 0 0 0年急性法定传染病发病情况。为制订防制策略提供依据。方法 对 195 1~ 2 0 0 0年梅县人口及疫情报告资料进行分析。结果 自 5 0年代至 90年代梅县传染病年平均总发病率逐渐下降 ,在病种构成中 5 0年代以疟疾居首位 ,6 0年代麻疹居首位 ,70、90年代病毒性肝炎居首位 ,80年代细菌性痢疾居首位。总之 ,传染病年平均总发病率从 5 0年代的6 0 78.0 4 /10万下降到 90年代的 6 3.93/10万 ,下降了 98.95 %。 90年代 ,乙脑、百日咳、斑疹伤寒、狂犬病等传染病年平均发病率均低于 0 .1/10万。白喉、流行性脑膜炎、脊髓灰质炎分别于 1985年、1993年和 1994年以来无病例发生。结论 195 1~ 2 0 0 0年梅县在传染病防治工作中取得了显著成绩 ,但不能放松对狂犬病。
Object To analyze on incidence condition of acute infectious diseases in Mei from 195 1to 2 0 0 0 . And provide the basis of the prevention and control strategy. Methods To analyze demographic data and epidem ic situation form 195 1to 2 0 0 0 . Results From 195 0 s to 1990 s the annual average general incidence rate of infectious diseases had gradually reduced. According to the infectious disease distributive structure,in 195 0 s the malaria was at the top,in 196 0 s the m easles was at the top,in 1980 s the bacillary dysentery was atthe top,in 1970 s and 1990 s the virulent hepatitis was at the top. In brief,annual average general incidence rate of infectious dis- eases descended from 6 0 78.0 4 / 10 0 0 0 0 in 195 0 s to 6 3.93/ 10 0 0 0 0 in 1990 s,a fall of 98.95 % . In 1990 s annual average general incidence rate of the epidem ic encephalitis B,the pertussis,the ty- phus and the rabies were less than 0 .1/ 10 0 0 0 0 ,the diphtheria had not the case since 1985 ,the epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis had not the case since 1993,the poliomyecitis had not the case since 1994 . Conclusions From 195 1to 2 0 0 0 ,we had achieved remarkable success about the in- fection prevention & care. Meanwhile,We can not loosen the prevention and control of the rabies, the viral hepatitis and the bacterial dysentery.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention
com municable diseases/ epidemiology
disease notification