改革开放以来 ,部分中青年干部贪嘴、贪财、贪色、贪赃枉法 ,成为历史罪人。个中原因纷繁复杂 ,除了外界的客观诱惑、内部的监督不力和某些机制上的弊端外 ,与他们腐化堕落的心态如膨胀心态、矛盾心态、侥幸心态、霸道心态、消极心态是一脉相承、息息相通的。正确认识、剖析这些腐败心态 。
Since Chinese reforming and opening, some young cadres have become historical criminals because of their greedy desire in dinner, wealth, sex, and so forth. The reason for this situation is quite complex. Except for the enticement from the outside world and the loose supervision from the organization plus some drawbacks in the working mechanism, this result might be connected with their mind in a corruptive, contradictory, lucky, overbearing and passive condition. A correct cognition and analysis of this corruptive mind could be taken as an effective way to prevent them from deterioration or lessen the case quantity of corruption.
Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences