1[2]Amartya Sen, 'Choice, Orderings and Morality', in Alan P. Hamlin(ed. ) Ethics and Economics Vol (Edward Elgar, 1996)p488.
2[3]Amartya Sen, Development as Freedom(New York:Affred A. Knope, 1999), P262、264.
3[4]Amartya Sen, 'Moral Code and Econmic Success' ,in Samuel Brittan and Alan Hamlin(eds. )Market Capitalism and Moral Value(Edward Elsar, 1995)P29、p32.
4[5]Amartya Sen,' Economies, Business Principles,and Moral Sentiments' ,in Ger~es Enderle(ed.)International Business Ethics: Challenges and Approaches(London: University of Notre Dame Press, 1999) p19-20.
5[7]Amartya Sen,'The Right to Take PersonalRisk', in G. Lee Bowie, Meredith W.. Michaels andKathlee Higgins(eds.) Thirteen Question In Ethics(Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College, 1992).
6[9]Amartya Sen,' Economies, Business Principles,and Moral Sentiments',in Gerges Enderle(ed.)Intematlonal Business Ethics: Challenges and Approaches(London: University of Notre Dame Press, 1999) p16-17.
7[10]Amartya Sen, 'Economies, Business Principles, and Moral Sentiments', in Gerges Endede(ed.)International Business Ethics: Challenges and Appreaches(London: University of Notre Dame Press,1999)p28.