This paper is mainly about the calculation of reservoir parameters and theinterpretation method for identifying oil/water beds in Ke82 well areas of Junggar basin. It isdifficult to determine the reservoir parameters with common logging methods such as core calibrationlog because of the diversity of minerals and rocks and the complexity of pore structures in theconglomerate reservoir of Junggar basin. Optimization logging exploration is a good method todetermine the porosity by establishing the multi-mineral model with logging curves based on theintegration of geological, core and well testing data. Permeability is identified by BP algorithm ofneural network. Hydrocarbon saturation is determined by correlating Archie's and Simandouxformulas. Comparing the exploratory result and core data, we can see that these methods areeffective for conglomerate logging exploration. We processed and explained six wells in the Ke82well areas. And actual interpretation has had very good results, 85 % of which conform to welltesting data. Therefore, this technique will be effective for identifying conglomerate parameters.
This paper is mainly about the calculation of reservoir parameters and theinterpretation method for identifying oil/water beds in Ke82 well areas of Junggar basin. It isdifficult to determine the reservoir parameters with common logging methods such as core calibrationlog because of the diversity of minerals and rocks and the complexity of pore structures in theconglomerate reservoir of Junggar basin. Optimization logging exploration is a good method todetermine the porosity by establishing the multi-mineral model with logging curves based on theintegration of geological, core and well testing data. Permeability is identified by BP algorithm ofneural network. Hydrocarbon saturation is determined by correlating Archie's and Simandouxformulas. Comparing the exploratory result and core data, we can see that these methods areeffective for conglomerate logging exploration. We processed and explained six wells in the Ke82well areas. And actual interpretation has had very good results, 85 % of which conform to welltesting data. Therefore, this technique will be effective for identifying conglomerate parameters.
Thispaperissupportedby"TheModelProjectResearchofConglomer ateReserviorExploration"ofXinjiangOilCompany ,CNPC .