The young thalli of Porphyra yezoensis and P.haitanensis are induced by N-Methy-N’-Nitro-N-Nitrosoguanidine (NG), a strong mutagen to induce the mutant of chromatophore. It is showed that no mutants have been investigated in all control groups, while in the induced groups, it is easy to find mutant cells or mutant cell masses in the thallus. The pigmentation mutants may be the result of NG inducement. The mutant rate increases obviously with the mutagen concentration or by prolonging the induction time. Within the scope of experiment, the inducement effects of Porphyra yezoensis are raised from 11.2% to 28.7%, and those of P. haitanensis from 10.1% to 20.2%. According to our experiments, the amount of mutant cells in the same area does not increase with the induction intensity The amount of mutant cells in every group of inducement of both species of Porphyraμ changes very little with the fixed fields check method. The lowest dose (25g/mL) of this experiment has a high mutant rate. The mutant rate shows the percentage of mutant cells in all the survived cells, while the amount of mutant cells reflects the effect of μinducement. Thus the optimum induction concentration of NG is 25 g/mL, and the optimum induction time is 30 minutes.
The young thalli of Porphyra yezoensis and P.haitanensis are induced byN-Methy-N′-Nitro-N-Nitrosoguanidine (NG), a strong mutagen to induce the mutant of chromatophore.It is showed that no mutants have been investigated in all control groups, while in the inducedgroups, it is easy to find mutant cells or mutant cell masses in the thallus. The pigmentationmutants may be the result of NG inducement. The mutant rate increases obviously with the mutagenconcentration or by prolonging the induction time. Within the scope of experiment, the inducementeffects of Porphyra yezoensis are raised from 11.2% to 28.7%, and those of P. haitanensis from 10.1%to 20.2%. According to our experiments, the amount of mutant cells in the same area does notincrease with the induction intensity The amount of mutant cells in every group of inducement ofboth species of Porphyra changes very little with the fixed fields check method. The lowest dose (25μg/mL) of this experiment has a high mutant rate. The mutant rate shows the percentage of mutantcells in all the survived cells, while the amount of mutant cells reflects the effect of inducement.Thus the optimum induction concentration of NG is 25 μg/mL, and the optimum induction time is 30minutes.
Supported by NSFCC39770593
CAS and Applied Fundamental Project of Jiangsu Province (BJ95182).
National Key Fundamental Research Program (G1999012009).