基于过去事后评价勘探成果效益 ,难以避免勘探过程中可能出现的各种风险 ,也不利于为开发提供优质高效的、可及时投入开发的储量的现状 ,本文针对某大型盆地 ,开展了天然气储量经济界限指标研究 ,旨在为之探索、建立一套储量品位的定量评价指标。以天然气储量经济价值评估方法研究为前提 ,通过单位可采储量净现值与成本气价比、建单位产能投资额的关系研究 ,发现单位可采储量净现值与成本 /气价比是一种随成本 /气价比的增加呈加速递减的非线性关系 ;单位可采储量净现值与建单位产能投资额呈负相关关系 ,并且随着成本 /气价比的增加而降低。在储量评价研究成果基础上 ,根据我国现行财会税收制度 ,参照有关储量规范及最新标准 ,初步建立了以经济采收率、可采储量丰度、千米井深产量。
In consideration of the current situation that i t is difficult to avoid vario us risks appearing probably in exploration because of evaluating exploration eco nomic returns afterward and it is unfavorable to providing high quality and high effectiveness reserves which may be immediately applied in gas reservoir develo pment,a research on the economic limit indexes of natural gas reserves in one la rge sized basin was carried out so as to set up a series of quantitative evalua t ion indexes of reserve grades.By taking the research on the economic evaluation methods of gas reserves as the prerequisite,through studying the relation betwee n the net present value of unit recoverable reserves and the cost price ratio a n d the investment in establishing unit productivity,it was found that the relatio n between the net present value of unit recoverable reserves and the cost price ratio show s a non linear correlation,i.e.along with the increase of the latter,the former decreases acceleratively;and the net present value of unit recoverable reserves is a negative correlation to the investment of establishing unit productivity an d decreases with the increase of the cost price ratio.On the basis of reserve e v aluation research results,a series of evaluating the economic limit indexes of r eserve grades,as economic recovery factor,recoverable reserve abundance,producti on per one thousand well depth,net present value of unit recoverable reserves a n d net present value ratio of recoverable reserves,etc.,were initially establishe d according to the current financial counting and taxation systems and in consul tation with the relevant reserve standards and the newest criteria.
Natural Gas Industry
Natural gas,Recoverable reserve,Value,Econo my,Target