本文论述了WinSock编,以及在PB中编写TCP/IP程序的实现方法同时指出了PB通过使用win dows下的sockets接口及通过访问WinSock.DL中的函数实现网络通信的原理。并论述了网络消息发送的底层工作原理,以及实现在企业局域网内点对点的信息转发或点对多的信息广播的方法。
This paper introduces the WinSock program and the way of realization of TCP/IP programming under the situation of PB.It explains the principle of PB network communication realization through using the sockets connection under windows and visiting the function in Winsock.DL.The substrate working principle of network message transmitting and the realization of point-point message sending within local network or point to multi-points message broadcasting methods are discussed.