用 0 ,5 0 0 ,10 0 0 ,2 0 0 0mg·L- 1的水杨酸溶液浸泡马铃薯块茎 2 4h ,以清水作对照 ,然后于 2 5℃恒温培养箱中进行培养 ,定期测定其发芽情况和酚类物质含量及多酚氧化酶 (PPO)和过氧化物酶 (POD)活性。结果表明 ,5 0 0mg·L- 1的水杨酸能促进马铃薯块茎发芽 ,而 10 0 0mg·L- 1和 2 0 0 0mg·L- 1的水杨酸则对块茎发芽起抑制作用 ;5 0 0mg·L- 1水杨酸处理能提高块茎中酚类物质的含量 ,降低PPO活性 ,10 0 0mg·L- 1和 2 0 0 0mg·L- 1的水杨酸处理则使块茎中酚类物质含量降低 ,PPO活性提高 ,各处理均能降低POD活性。
The potato tubers were soaked in salicylic acid(SA)solution of 500,1 000 and 2 000 mg·L -1 and in water(ck) for 24 h,then the tubers were cultured in incubator under 25 ℃.The state of germination and the content of phenols and the activitives of PPO and POD were tested periodically.The results showed that the germination of the tubers was promoted in the treatment of 500 mg·L -1 SA,while it was inhabited in the treatment of 1 000 mg·L -1 and 2 000 mg·L -1 SA.The content of phenols increased and the activity of PPO decreased in the treatment of 500 mg·L -1 SA.However,in the treatment of 1 000 mg·L -1 and 2 000 mg·L -1 SA,the phenols content decreased and the PPO activity increased.POD activity reduced in all the treatments.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica