

Study on the Models of Several Factors in Yali Pear Chemical Fruit Thinning
摘要 研究了不同浓度PD3新疏果剂在鸭梨疏果中的因子关系。结果表明 :盛花后 5d和 10d喷布不同浓度的PD3,对鸭梨疏除效应的影响分别为Y =(- 479 0 4 + 0 5 33X) /X± 0 0 5 9(R =0 9815 )和Y =(- 5 82 0 7+ 0 787X) /X± 0 0 4 2 (R =0 996 5 )的曲线相关 ;对新梢生长量的影响分别为Y =6 4 87e- 879 8/X± 3 4 93(R =0 96 0 6 )和Y =5 7 2 9e- 52 1 3/X± 3 0 92 (R =0 8972 )的指数相关 ;疏果后 ,在生理落果期间对幼果生长发育无明显影响 ;果实成熟期 ,两个时期的处理 ,以 2 0 0 0~ 2 5 0 0mg·L- 1浓度对提高果实单果重有较好的作用 ;对可溶性固形物的影响分别为Y =9 0 877+ 0 0 0 0 5 6X± 0 1732 (R =0 85 6 4)和Y =8 914 + 0 0 0 0 83X± 0 10 94 (R =0 92 5 4)的直线相关。但以盛花后 10d用PD32 0 0 0~ 30 0 0mg·L- 1的浓度疏果 ,对树体合理负载 ,健壮树势 ,提高果品质量的综合作用效果较好。 The effect of fruit thinning on Yali pear with PD 3 at different concentration was investigated.Result showed that when PD was applied at 5 d and 10 d after the full blossom period,the curvilinears of fruit thinning effect against the concentration were Y=(-479 04+0 533X)/X ±0 059(R=0 981 5) and Y=(-582 07+0 787X)/X ±0 042(R=0 996 5) respectively.The curvilinears of new shoots growth against the concentration were Y =64 87e -879 8/ X ±3 493(R=0 960 6) and Y =57 29e -521 3/ X ±3 092(R=0 996 5) respectively.After fruit thinning,the effect of PD 3 on the growth of the yang fruit at the physiological fruit dropping stage was not significant.The linear formulas of the soluble solid substance in the pear at harvest time agaist the PD 3 concentration were Y=9 087 7+0 000 56X±0 173 2 (R=0 856 4) and Y=8 914+0 000 83X±0 109 4 (R=0 925 4) respectively.The treatments at both period with PD 3 concentration of 2 000-2 500 mg·L -1 had beter effect on increasing the single fruit weight.While treatment with PD 3 at concentration of 2 000-3 000 mg·L -1 and at 10 d after full blossom had integrated benefit on the tree's loading,the growth of the tree and the quality of the fruit.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第z1期140-143,共4页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
关键词 鸭梨 化学疏果 回归模型研究 Yali pear Chemical fruit thinning Regression model
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