对HEVORF2 (HumanHepatitisEopenreadingframe)重组菌菌种进行稳定性研究并将其表达的融合蛋白用于酶标试剂。将重组菌种传 10 0代次 ,每隔 10代取样检测蛋白表达、质粒性状、遗传稳定性、染色特性、菌落形态及电镜检查。将其表达的融合蛋白经层析纯化用于酶标试剂中。经传代的各代菌体与菌种多项指标差异不显著 ,酶标试剂有敏感度及特异性 ,此菌种可作为表达融合蛋白ORF2 组装酶标试剂而长期使用。
The stability of the recombinant HEV ORF-2 E.coli strain has been studied in this paper. Its expression protein was applied into the preparation of Anti-HEV ELISA reagent. 100 generations of E.coli strain have been reproduced, each 10 samples were determined for protein expression, characteristic,gene stability, dyeing specificity, colony form and electrical microscope check. The purified protein was applied into ELISA. The results showed that all above indexes discrepancy were not notable and ELISA reagent has certain specificity and sensitivity. The E.coli strain and expression protein could be used as an agent for ELISA for long time.
Journal of Microbiology