Early in 1994, sponsored by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and then the State Science and Technology Commission of China (SSTC, now Ministry of Sci ence and Technology), Chinese space scientists (including scientists from Taiwan) gathered together to discuss issues on the development of space physics researches in China. Following it, several special seminars were held to continue the discus sion which finally led to a proposal to CAS and SSTC for establishing a station chain along the 120°E to monitor the space environment. This proposal was care fully reviewed and thoroughly evaluated by many leading scientists in the com munity and then listed in the State Plan of Chinese Central Government in June 1997. The project then has been formally called as "Meridian Chain of Compre hensive Ground-Based Space Environment Monitors in the Eastern Hemisphere" "Meridian Project". After several years of preparations the project has been par tially initiated with the efforts devoted by institutes and universities involved.……
Chinese Journal of Space Science