哲学社会科学在现时代的作用日益凸现 ,高校马克思主义哲学课进行教学改革有其必要性和现实性 ,通过对现有哲学课的教材内容、教学模式、教学手段和方法以及考试制度的变革 ,可发挥其在培养大学生辩证思维能力、树立正确的世界观和人生观、提高全民族哲学素质方面的积极作用。
The effect of the philosophic and social science is more and more important at present age, This article studies on the problems in teaching Marxist philosophic theory at universities, it claims that it can function positively through changing the content of teaching, improving the ways and methods and reforming the system of testing in developing the undergraduates` dialectical thinking abilities, helping them set up correct sense of the world and the life, and elevating the national philosophic quality.
Journal of Jiaxing University