在艾米莉·勃朗特的著名小说《呼啸山庄》 (以下简称《呼》)中 ,象征主义笔法的运用相当成功 ,它有助于点染自然环境 ,表现人物的内心世界。该文试对《呼》中运用了象征主义笔法的实例进行分析 ,论述象征主义在《呼》中的重要作用。
In Wuthering Heights, the famous novel of Emily Bronte`s, symbolism was successfully employed. It serves as foil to the natural environment and assists to express the internal world of the characters`. The thesis tries to analyze the examples of symbolism in Wuthering Heights to expound that symbolism plays an important role in the novel.
Journal of Jiaxing University